Design 4 Emergency Roundtable Series
Session 4 | Designing Volcanic Emergencies
Thu 24 August, 5pm SCL / EST | 11pm CET
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Saskia van Manen | Independent researcher & designer
Volcano Barbie: from a nickname to the importance of fun
Felipe Aguilera | Director Ckelar volcanoes and professor of Geology UCN
How Ckelar Volcanes face volcanic crisis?: Hazards-risks maps, collaboration with communities and authorities during volcanic emergencies
Moderator: Sana Hussaini | ND Design Department
Saskia van Manen PhD Volcanology. Co-founder Design Network for Emergency Management (DNEM). Visiting Research Fellow at the Open University, UK. Taking transdisciplinary approaches to disaster risk management: combining fun, science and design.
Felipe Aguilera PhD in Sciences, mention in Geology from UCN and recognized Chilean volcanologist, with more than 20 years of experience investigating the most active volcanoes in Chile and Latin America. He is a professor of Geology at the Universidad Católica del Norte and has participated in projects with volcanologists in the United States, Italy, Spain and Peru, among others.
Sana Hussaini Assistant Professor, Visual Communication Design. School of Design, San Francisco State University
24 Ago 2023
5pm SCL | 11pm CET