Pablo Salazar
Doctor mención en Geofísica de la Freie Universität Berlin, Alemania, Magister en Ciencias mención Geofísica de la Universidad de Chile y Geólogo de la Universidad Católica del Norte. Sus áreas de investigación son la sismotectónica, sismología en márgenes de convergencia y riesgos naturales.
Actualmente es profesor asistente en la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Geológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte.
Universidad Católica del Norte
Universidad Católica del Norte
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Publicaciones asociadas:
High-resolution image of the North Chilean subduction zone: seismicity, reflectivity and fluids
Upper plate reverse fault reactivation and the unclamping of the megathrust during the 2014 northern Chile earthquake sequence
Microseismic reflection imaging of the Central Andean crust
State of stress and crustal fluid migration related to west-dipping structures in the slab-forearc system in the northern Chilean subduction zone
High-resolution image of the North Chilean subduction zone: seismicity, reflectivity and fluids
Upper plate reverse fault reactivation and the unclamping of the megathrust during the 2014 northern Chile earthquake sequence
Microseismic reflection imaging of the Central Andean crust
State of stress and crustal fluid migration related to west-dipping structures in the slab-forearc system in the northern Chilean subduction zone